BSQ Instructed in Another US Extradition Case
BSQ are acting in an extradition request from the USA concerning our client T who is sought for trial in Chicago, Illinois for relation to fraud and conspiracy charges.
The case has an unusual international element in that T is alleged to have committed the offences alleged from outside the USA whilst residing in Africa. T will be contesting the extradition request.
This is the fourth US extradition case that BSQ partner Roger Sahota has been instructed in, including the case of Sanchez-Sanchez which was heard by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights in November 2022. Roger’s client int that case was said to be one of the Heads of Mexican drug trafficking cartel. The ECHR decision in that case is one of the leading legal precedents in the area.
Roger is renowned as one of the leading extradition practitioners in London.
You can read more about our specialism in defending individuals in extradition cases on our practice page.
Our UK extradition solicitors’ service.