News & Briefings

BSQ Cash Seizure Success
In contested cash seizure proceedings BSQ partner Roger Sahota has successfully secured the return of £10,000 to one of our clients.

CPS Decide to Abandon Prosecution of Investors to Tax Avoidance Scheme After BSQ Test Case Collapses
Following the collapse of a test case prosecution of an individual investor in a tax avoidance scheme the CPS have announced that they will not be bringing any further charges against other investors in a landmark case.

BSQ Fraud Team instructed to Challenge £64m Confiscation Order
BSQ’s Fraud defence team has been appointed to represent Dr Gerald Smith in enforcement proceedings concerning one of the highest confiscation orders ever made – now standing in excess of £64m including interest - ever made in the UK.

Mayfair Gambler Rewrites Law on Fraud
Phil Ivey, an American gambler who failed in his attempt to compel a Mayfair casino to pay out £7m in winnings and was branded a cheat by the Supreme Court yesterday is likely to become a familiar name to future generations of criminal lawyers.

Daniel Godden Writes on Lord Hanningfield Acquittal for Solicitors Journal
Daniel Godden acted as solicitor for Lord Hanningfield in his recent high profile acquittal

Daniel Godden Acts for Lord Hanningfield In Parliamentary Expenses Acquittal
Daniel Godden acted as solicitor for Lord Hanningfield in his recent high profile acquittal. Lord Hanningfield was accused of dishonestly claiming parliamentary expenses