News & Briefings

BSQ Briefing – Offence of Sexual Communication With A Child
Since the introduction of a new law in April 2017 making it a criminal offence for an individual to engage in sexual communication with a child BSQ has defended a number of these prosecutions which appear to be on the rise.

BSQ Represent Client in Discontinued Sexual Assault Allegation
Following a pre-charge intervention from BSQ private client partner Roger Sahota, a police investigation into allegations of sexual assault has resulted in no further action.

Sexual Assault Prosecution Discontinued Pre-Charge
Following service of a defence case statement setting out the basis of client's defence to sexual assault charges the CPS have discontinued the prosecution of a BSQ client.

Historical Sexual Assault Investigation Discontinued Pre-Charge
In another positive outcome for our private client crime department, a BSQ client has been advised that an police investigation into allegations of historical sexual abuse has been discontinued.

New Revenge Porn Offence - Client Practice Blog
With several cases of revenge porn involving celebrities featured in recent media reports, we consider the new criminal offence created by the Criminal Justice and Courts Act which received Royal Assent on the 12 February 2015.